A multifaceted industry partnership with Monash Tech School, demonstrating the intrinsic links between medical research, advanced manufacturing, and the desire to improve people's lives.
Anatomics has strong research, development and commercial partnerships with numerous organisations and universities around Australia and globally. We are pleased to announce our recent achievements with Monash Tech School in supporting the development of their Superhumans program and on-site archival exhibition of Anatomics real-life cases to demonstrate the early stages of their product development and manufacturing, as well as some of Anatomics more recent work to support students’ understanding of implant design solutions.

Monash Tech School has enjoyed a rich and diverse partnership with Anatomics since 2017.The partnership is diverse, with Anatomics staff being involved in providing industry tours for Monash Tech School staff, mentoring, and the provision of archived and outmoded resources to support our programs. Importantly, many aspects of the partnership focus on “in-kind” support rather than the provision of grants and other financial support.

Inspired by Anatomics’ work with 3D printed products, Monash Tech School has created a program that challenges students to create a solution for a medical scenario. Students are given the task to create a bionic, wearable or implant that might treat a patient. In teams, students design and develop solutions with semi-functional prototypes, which must include a 3D printed element. By the end of the program, students, in teams, will have ideated, designed, and presented their version of a "hospital of the future” taking into account all of the learnings they have gathered throughout the program.

The partnership between Anatomics and Monash Tech School has also created a display cabinet to support students’ understanding of implant design that features real products that have been created by Anatomics. Archived items have been displayed to demonstrate the early stages of their product development and manufacturing, as well as some of Anatomics more recent work, including 3D printing a section of a sternum. There is a highly creative, artistic element to the work of Anatomics, and this is clearly demonstrated in a visual format. Where else can students see a 3D printed, hot pink prototype of a human skull, or a BioModel of a baby, created from 3D ultrasound data? Importantly, the display provides students with tangible examples of a manufactured product and how it is used in a medical procedure.
To read more about our partnership with Monash Tech, read the full article here: https://www.monashtechschool.vic.edu.au/partner-case-studies/Anatomics
Should you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Team on +61 (0) 3 9529 8088 or email contact@anatomics.com. Our ANZ sales team are also readily available to offer local support and assistance.